Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I took Rhyse swimming last night.  They have a time on Tuesday & Thursdays from 5-6 called Baby & Me swimming.  Last year my sister & I went - it was pretty much open swim for us, we were the only ones there.  But last night they actually had a little swimming class.  There were probably about 10 other babies/toddlers there.  Some of the things we did were had them on their stomaches & kicking, backs & kicking, floating on their backs, jumping into the water from the edge of the pool, getting their faces wet under water (Rhyse came up laughing), and scooping with their arms & hands.  At the end they got to go down the slides.  Rhyse loves the slides.  I think he had a good time.  Of course he didn't want to leave.  I don't have any pics cuz it was just Rhyse & I - Lee was working.  We can't make it on Thursday cuz I have a dr. apt. so maybe next Tuesday if there is no baby yet & the weather is nice. 

Still no baby.  They want to induce me on July 28th.  I'm still debating it.  They say by then the baby will be around 8# 10oz.  But I'm skeptical about ultrasound measurements.  One person I know that just had a baby they were a few ounces off then another person that recently had a baby they were off by 2 lbs!  I guess we'll have to talk about it more at my appointment tomorrow.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Locked Out

Last weekend while camping Lee went fishing on Sunday so I was alone with Rhyse.  It was warm that day so we had the A/C going in the camper & had the main door closed on the camper.  I went out to start the grill & Rhyse decided to flip the lock on the camper door & locked me out!  They keys were in the camper.  Luckily I knew Lee was done fishing & would be back soon.  I tried to get Rhyse to unlock the door but that wasn't going to happen.  He was having a good time in there.  I was just glad the A/C was on & wasn't going to get to hot for him & there wasn't much he could get into & get hurt.  Shelby was in there with him.  Lee got back & I told him what happened.  Luckily the compartment which Lee usually locks was not locked & we could into the camper from there under the bunks.  We had to have Tayden Doe come crawl in & unlock the door for us since Lee wasn't going to fit & I sure the heck wasn't with my big belly.  While I was getting Tayden Lee got Rhyse to crawl through & got him out. 

Here are some pics from July:

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Bunch of 1st for Rhyse

Rhyse had a full weekend of 1st's.  I don't have pictures of all of them.  And I can't upload them in this blog but will soon.  Some of the firsts he had were a golf cart ride, Jet Ski ride with dad (have pics), fireworks - which really wasn't a first but he was a little more aware this time.  But this year he could do the snaps which he liked.  Other first's -  slip-n-slide & dad caught a couple northern's so Rhyse got to see a real fish up close instead of in a magazine or on tv.  He enjoyed all of them.  He had a full weekend of staying up late, playing & seeing lots of people.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

A couple stories

The Escape Artist
A couple weeks ago when I had picked up Rhyse from daycare my daycare lady (Michelle) told me she had something to tell me but she wanted me to know she was a good babysitter.  She said herself, her son Jared & Rhyse were in the office.  After a while she noticed Rhyse wasn't there anymore & asked Jared where Rhyse had gone.  He said he didn't know.  She looked in all the usual places he goes & he wasn't in any of them.  Then she noticed the screen door on the deck.  She looked out & there Rhyse was standing out in the middle of the yard.  She said he had slid open the door (I can't remember if she said he closed it), he had gone down the steps & into the yard.  As she was telling me how she was looking all over for him I had guessed he went out the sliding screen door.  I know he knows how to open it at home.....

Then last weekend Lee had Rhyse outside & brought him into the house.  I was busy making supper & Lee was in & out of the house.  Rhyse was playing in the living room.  After a little bit Lee comes into the house holding Rhyse asking how he got out.  I said I don't know maybe the door didn't close all the way & he got out.  Sure enough that must have been what happened.  Lee said he seen Rhyse standing in the middle of the driveway. 

One night I was giving Rhyse a bath.  I told him stay in the tub & I would be right back.  I just went into our bedroom which is attached to the bathroom to put his clothes in the hamper when I heard a thump.  I went back into the bathroom to find he got out of the tub.  Then he tried to walk/run to me & kept falling down cuz he was wet & the floor was slippery.  I was laughing at him cuz he kept falling & couldn't figure out why.  Finally he made it to me & the carpet.....

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Updated pics

Closeup of Rhyse taken by Michelle at daycare
Rhyse standing in bucket of Grandpa Aberle's tractor

Rhyse picking up candy at parade

Rhyse picking up candy at the parade 6/25/11

Where's Rhyse? 

Rhyse wearing dad's big shoes

Rhyse wearing dad's big shoes

Rhyse riding Tayden's motorcycle

Rhyse helping mom make pumpkin bars

Rhyse being silly

Rhyse helping make pumpkin bars

Rhyse feeding the goat at the zoo in May

Friday, May 20, 2011

Pictures from March to present

Can't really think of anything new.  Rhyse does a fist bump now, he likes to play with his mega blocks, he loves to be outside.  We think he says "wow"  I think thats about it.

Rhyse playing with Owen

 Rhyse coming for the camera
 Rhyse messing with his cap
 Rhyse enjoying some animal crackers
 Rhyse in his new rainboots
 Rhyse giving Shelby a hug
 Rhyse playing with popcorn kernals
 Rhyse 19 mo. old
 Rhyse eating applesauce
 Rhyse mowing the lawn
 Rhyse playing with his truck
 Rhyse playing with playdoh
 Rhyse checking on the flowers
 Rhyse eating pudding
 Rhyse wanting the camera

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rhyse in Big Boy Bed

On April 2nd we put Rhyse in a full size bed.  He did pretty good the first week.  The first few nights took him a while to fall asleep but he would just sit on the bed & yell for mom.  I was grateful that he wasn't getting out of bed.  Now this second week he has figured out he can get out of bed.  After putting him to bed I will check on him & he will usually be sitting on the floor pulling his books out of the bookshelf & looking at them.  Or he will be at his door trying to open it.  If I open the door he runs back to his bed.  The bed is to tall for him to get into himself.  So I put him back into bed.  Usually we put him to bed at 8:00.  This week he hasn't been going to sleep til 9:00 when its darker in his room & he can't see his books anymore.  Then in the morning he doesn't want to get up when I wake him.  I am going to get some darker curtains when we go to Bismarck tomorrow & see if that helps.